The Doubling Theory and the Second Self: Trauma in Paula Vogel's How I Learned to Drive and Margaret Edson's Wit

نوع المستند : العلوم الانسانیة الأدبیة واللغات


کلية الاداب جامعة کفر الشيخ


The main aim of this paper is to discuss Sigmund Freud's Seduction Theory as a basic trend in the field of psychological trauma in both Paula Vogel's How I Learned to Drive (1997) and Margaret Edson's Wit (1999). Robert Jay Lifton's Doubling Theory and the Second Self will also be discussed as a tool for interpreting and uncovering the inexplicable behaviour of the patients suffering from trauma. Moreover, this paper attempts to define trauma, its nature, types and symptoms in the two selected texts. This study will take into account two contemporary plays tackling the dilemma of trauma, stating how far writers are successful in portraying the traumatized character, the nature of the trauma and its impact on him/her through the victim/perpetrator paradigm. This study is going to discuss the adaptation of literature to trauma and the important role of literature in presenting such a serious subject, that many of us are exposed to nowadays. The paper will examine how far the writer is able to present the character as a traumatized person, revealing the symptoms that appear on him/her, the traumatic event and its impact on the character and how the character responds to it from a scientific view including the Doubling Theory and the Second Self.

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