وصف الجحيم على تابوت الملک "مرنبتاح"المستطيل

نوع المستند : العلوم الانسانیة الأدبیة واللغات


وزارة السياحة والآثار


يوجد بين سکان العالم الآخر من فعلوا السوء ضد إرادة إله الشمس والآلهة جميعا يطلق عليهم الملعونين والمذنبين الأشرار, ، لذا تنوعت مناطق العالم الأخر لتصف مشاهد معاقبة المدانين ومکافئة الأبرار وذلک بعدما تم عرضهم على مجلس قضاة العالم الآخر لمحاکمتهم جزاء لما قاموا به وفعلوه فى العالم الآول وتحديد مصيرهم وإلى أى منطقة سينتمون لها الجحيم أم النعيم.

Scenes of torture were not limited to prisoners of war and criminals only in the plural world, but also moved to the other world to depict the enemies of the goddess and how to punish them. Therefore, the regions of the other world varied. The scenes of punishing the convicts and rewarding the righteous were characterized after they were presented to the Council of Judges of the Other World to be tried as a penalty for what they did and did in the first world and to determine their fate. To punish the sinners, as the birds flee and fly from them when they smell the mold and see the water from which their fires come out, and between the bliss in which the righteous souls live on the ears of wheat and barley and breathe through its holy water, the coldest and wet, and the various stability necessary to feed them. We find evidence of this from scenes and texts that The lakes of flames have a double significance, as they contain hot water for torture, as well as cold water to hydrate

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