Translation as an Ideological Tool: An Analysis of Rasha Ṣādiq’s Feminist Translation of Rosalind Miles’s Who Cooked the Last Supper? The Women’s History of the World

نوع المستند : العلوم الانسانیة الأدبیة واللغات


كلية الآداب- جامعة طنطا



The present study analyses an Arabic feminist translation of Rosalind Miles’s (2001) book Who Cooked the Last Supper? The Women’s History of the World, which is the translation that was produced by Rasha Ṣādiq (Miles, 2001/2021). The study analyses the translator’s feminist approach towards the translation through developing a method of analysis that is based on Irshad and Yasmin’s (2022) categorisation of the ways in which the feminist translation theory is applied in studies about translated novels. The study investigates the ways in which the translator intervenes in the text to manipulate it. It also explores the extent to which the translator’s intervention in the text and her attitude towards feminism impact her translation. The study contributes to the field of translation studies by analysing a feminist Arabic translation and thus by trying to meet a growing interest in feminist writings and studies which are becoming increasingly popular in academia. It helps in furthering the understanding of feminist translation praxis in the Arab world, highlights the role that translation can play as a tool that serves an ideology, and clarifies the pros and cons of translating Western feminist texts into Arabic in light of the nature of conservative Arab societies and the needs of Arab women.

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