An Ecolinguistic Analysis of Frames in Karl Greenfeld's The Subprimes

نوع المستند : العلوم الانسانیة الأدبیة واللغات


مدرس مساعد بكلية التربية- جامعة المنصورة-مدينة المنصورة- محافظة الدقهلية



The present research applies an ecolinguistic analysis of a climate fiction novel to answer the following questions: 1) How does the ecological frames used by the characters in the novel reflect the ecological stories they live by? 2) What are the impacts of such frames on the ecosystem? 3) How are the social, economic and political realities of the society in the novel connected to the physical environment? This study is conducted within the framework of Stibbe (2014, 2015, 2021) with insights from the cognitive metaphor framework (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980; Lakoff, 2010; Lakoff, 2014). This study analyzes the selected data in the light of framing. The data of the present study were collected from The Subprimes for it contains different stories between the characters and their surrounding ecosystem. This thesis concluded that different ecological stories which exist in the minds of the characters are realized in their language and that these stories affect how they deal with the whole ecosystem, the social, political and economic aspects of society are related to the physical environment and power inequality is enacted and resisted by characters in the novel.

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